Now available in the multimedia section at Insurance Journal: "Blogging Insurance Law," a streaming audio interview with Decs & Excs writer/editor George M. Wallace (or, as I often refer to him, "me"). Direct link here.
The discussion with reporter Kevin O'Reilly covers the creation and reasons behind this weblog, legal weblogs in general and other online insurance-related resources, and some general comments on California law and the current politics of insurance. Notably missing: any remarks on the current investigations of large insurance brokers, which were first announced a few days after the interview was recorded. (The Internet moves fast, and life keeps moving faster.)
UPDATE (10/31/04): Thanks to Martin Grace and David Giacalone for their links to this piece.
Thanks as well to the anonymous (and hitherto unknown to me) Feedmelegal (webfeeds, weblogs and the legal profession), who has some interesting thoughts on What This All Means vis-à-vis attorneys and their use of weblogs and other online outlets, and who remarks in passing:
Feedmelegal doesn’t know Mr. Wallace from a bar of soap, but having listened to the interview, one gets the impression that he’s an amiable person who knows his subject matter.
Not a half bad unsolicited testimonial, that. Can a bar of soap blush?