The vicissitudes of the Actual Practice of Law have sent this weblog on an unintended hiatus in recent weeks, but others have been busy as can be during that time, plowing the fertile fields of legal weblogging.
A good idea of the range and variety of of the legalistic crops under cultivation can be obtained through the auspicious and freshly published Blawg Review #100. The anonymous Editor of Blawg Review marks the centennapostary with a ramble back through the 99 preceding Editions, and an update on the status of all those earlier hosts, including a link back to this weblog's hosting of Blawg Review #51 last April.
On behalf of Decs&Excs, I regret having had nothing more exciting and current on offer just now for inclusion in Ed.'s survey. Decs&Excs will, however, be hosting Blawg Review #102 a mere two weeks from now, and I promise to do so with gusto. Regular posting should also resume here in the interim, as conditions permit.