The continuing and profound silence in this space will again be broken no later than next Monday, March 30, as it will be my pleasure for the fourth year running to host a new edition of
Blawg Review, the weekly blog carnival for everyone interested in the law. As in prior years, and notwithstanding the protests of wiser men than I, there will be A Theme to the presentation. Please rejoin me here next Monday to see how it all plays out, and to survey another week's worth of the finest law-related blog posts from hither, thither and yon.
Meanwhile, a brazen and beefy Blawg Review #204 is to be had this week courtesy of the legal tabloidologists at Above the Law. Get thee hence post haste, then hasten back here post hence.
Photo: "Watch This Space" by flickr user
hockadilly, used under Creative Commons license.